A business seeking excellence…one that improves as time moves forward…transformational change…must recognize the fundamental approach required to accomplish this.
It is the essential responsibility of the company leadership to build a platform for this constancy in improvement. Fortunately, the calendar provides the structure: 52 weeks!
Begin each week by having each manager put together a plan of action, that fits nicely into their overall current project plan (Be sure this is planned out at the end of the prior week. Of course, you must be certain that the “project plan” represents the progress and attention required to meet the overall company “strategic plan”…and that the strategic plan meets the “company vision”).
Sit down early on Monday with the entire management group and:
- Review the results of the last week plan…be to the point, underline the successes and understand the challenges that were faced.
- Have each manager describe how their department was transformed underlining specific differences from the beginning to the end of the week.
- Have each manager “draw a picture” of how they expect their department will have improved by the end of the coming week.
- Once a month, the company leader should describe for the management team…and company…how they see the company transformation from the end of the last month to the beginning of the current month.
Here is the point:
A company has 52 chances a year to transform. If you are determined to set that approach in motion then the exponential changes that occur will be incredible. Often, they will manifest change that could never have been anticipated by running your company in “maintenance mode.”
Each manager will have control over fluid improvement in their unique area. And the company leader will have the responsibility to assure that each change is integrated properly into the whole…thus the company cannot fail to have transformational change…growth…improvement…opportunity.
And for each of the managers?
They will be amazed at what they have created. It will allow each person the possibility of exceeding even what they might have expected to be their own limits to their potential.
52 weeks equals 52 segments of change equals transformation…equals a culture of excellence!